Strategic Cloud Analysis

Your strategic cloud analysis includes an AWS savings assessment and a tag health report. The process is designed to be quick, painless, and secure, comprising three phases:
Setup10-20 minutes
Connect environments. Connection is through a free, no obligation, 30-day trial of Tag Manager. Our team makes it easy for you by providing guidance throughout the connection process.
Assessment & Report7-10 days
Next, we will collect the following data from your AWS environment:
- An inventory of the specific resources and services you are using
- Operational data
- Detailed billing records
Our expert team will carefully analyze your environmental, operational, and billing data to identify your specific cost savings opportunities.
Additionally, we will prepare a Tag Health Report, assessing the health of your cloud resource tags and identifying areas needing remediation.
At no time will we have access to your internal or customer data.
Findings60 minutes
We will meet with you to present our findings, with a full breakdown of the cost savings opportunities, specific recommendations for optimizing your cloud spend and addressing tagging deficiencies, as well as an estimation of your potential annual savings.