Cloudsaver Disrupts Cloud Resource Tagging and Secures a 20-Point Patent


Cloudsaver’s innovative tagging solution, part of its Compliance solution to be introduced in June, recently secured a 20-point patent (U.S. Patent No. 11,977,997), disrupting what the industry believes about cloud resource tagging. Organizations can achieve unprecedented cloud efficiency and performance (including 100% showback allocation) with Cloudsaver’s proprietary tag management technology, making it the premier choice among SaaS providers. Cloudsaver stands apart as the only provider offering this transformative tagging technology.

Understanding costs in relation to core business objectives is critical for organizations in the cloud. However, many grapple with imperfect visibility and reporting systems. FinOps is the gold standard in cloud financial management and its effectiveness relies on complete resource tagging. Yet, achieving comprehensive tagging remains a frustrating challenge for most, leading to a mindset of “It’s just too hard.”

FinOps, or Financial Operations, is the most recognized and efficient methodology for effective cloud financial management. Complete resource tagging enhances visibility and unlocks core FinOps features. The FinOps Foundation emphasizes that implementing resource tagging is one of the very first actions to be taken. However, many organizations fall short in this area, rendering their reporting incomplete and unreliable. Establishing enforceable tagging policies is essential for comprehensive tagging across all resources, including legacy ones, shared costs, untagged resources, and untaggable resources.

Various cloud providers have devised workarounds, albeit imperfect ones, for cost allocation without comprehensive tagging. These solutions employ self-made systems to allocate costs but are less accurate and fall short in enabling other critical FinOps features. Recognizing the importance of resource tagging, Cloud Service Providers are unveiling new features to bolster tagging efforts, with AWS announcing this year that they now allow customers to tag retroactively for up to twelve months.

The lack of effective tagging is widespread. For example, in its 2024 State of the Cloud Report, Flexera acknowledges the importance of tags for cost allocation and optimization but reveals that only 35% of organizations currently use automated policies that implement required tags.

The Cloudsaver Platform, with its Compliance solution, simplifies the complex task of comprehensive tagging like never before, ensuring accurate, thorough tagging across all resources. Unlike generic solutions that merely scratch the surface, the Cloudsaver Platform dives deeply into cost and utilization data, enriching resource and tagging metadata for thorough tagging across all resources, including legacy ones.

By leveraging the Cloudsaver Platform, organizations can bid farewell to the inefficiencies of guesswork and embrace the power of precision in FinOps. With comprehensive tagging in place, they gain unparalleled visibility into their cloud spending, enabling them to identify optimization opportunities, allocate costs accurately, and implement robust budgeting and forecasting strategies.

In conclusion, comprehensive tagging is not just a checkbox for FinOps; it is the cornerstone upon which efficient cloud management stands. The Cloudsaver Platform revolutionizes tagging, offering proprietary solutions that simplify the complex task of tagging while unlocking the full potential of FinOps. With the Cloudsaver Platform, organizations can navigate the complexities of cloud financial management with confidence, knowing their financial operations are optimized to the fullest extent. Watch for the Cloudsaver Platform to be launch at FinOps X June 19-22 in San Diego.

About the Author


Sarah Breshears
Director of Marketing, CloudSaver